women's denim jeans for partiesCloud Cup

Team Size 2 Man 1 Man

Tuesday, August 1 - Thursday Aug. 3, 2023

The McLemore Club
Lookout Mountain, GA

Tournament format will be 2-man team play. Entry fee for a 2-man team includes 2 rounds of tournament golf, accommodation, food and beverage and a custom fitting experience from Blue Delta each day of the tournament.  Limited teams available $4,000 entry fee per 2-man team or $2,000 for singles. For more information, please email

Day 1: Arrivals
5PM Welcome Event
BBQ Dinner, Drinks & Live Music

Day 2: Round 1
8AM Bloody's & Breakfast
10AM Shotgun Start
12PM Lunch served on course
Afternoon 9 Hole Short Course Tournament & Putting Event
7PM Surf & Turf Dinner  (beer & wine included, cash bar for liquor)

Day 3: Round 2
8AM Bloody's & Breakfast
10AM Shotgun Start
12PM Lunch served on course
3PM Cloud Cup Trophy Presentation